Friday, 31 October 2008

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Seclusion EP

Now available on iTunes
only £2.37!

Tracks include -

1: Seclusion Madmark - Seclusion - EP - Seclusion

2: Survival Skills Part 2 Madmark - Seclusion - EP - Survival Skills, Pt. 2

3: Untitled Madmark - Seclusion - EP - Untitled

It's taken awhile for this one to be released but hope you all pick it up.

Thanks so much


Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Kung Fu EP

Kung Fu & Ride With Me EP
Now available on iTunes only £1.58

Tracks are -

1: Kung Fu Madmark - Kung Fu & Ride With Me - EP - Kung Fu

2: Ride With Me Madmark - Kung Fu & Ride With Me - EP - Ride With Me

Enjoy it!

Saturday, 4 October 2008

Thursday, 2 October 2008

Africa EP

Africa EP is now available on iTunes,
Hope you pick this one up

Track details -

1: Africa Madmark - Africa - EP - Africa

2: Broken Toys Madmark - Africa - EP - Broken Toys

3: Tiny Implosions Madmark - Africa - EP - Tiny Implosions

Check out my demo CD on Orange unsignedAct
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